Our Mission
DAB Community Services (DABCS) educates and empowers communities while improving individual lives, by developing and supporting community programs that address healthy living, economic and workforce development, and self-sufficiency training with a specific focus on vulnerable and at-risk populations in underserved communities through focused, selective and specific collaborations to maximize impact and outcomes.
Our Board
DAB Community Services, Inc. is a 501c3 whose board was designed to provide a sufficient range of expertise to accomplish our mission. The challenges communities face are too large to ignore and too important to limit the level of expertise and support needed to make a difference. We’re constantly seeking partners in fighting the challenges faced by our communities. Taking an holistic approach to changing lives is at the forefront of our strategy to ensure the sustainability of initiatives that change lives. Obesity and related illnesses are critical issues and demand our immediate attention. We also realize in many families nothing happens until somebody get a job therefore we seize every opportunity to develop or become a part of coalitions to create innovative and creative workforce development and training programs.
Our current and future board members are individuals who reside within the community as well as individuals who reside outside of the community that are committed to supporting and ensuring the mission of DAB Community Services is met on the Deuces and Beyond
DAB Public Disclosure
DAB Public Disclosure and Availability of Exempt Organizations Returns and Applications:
Individuals may obtain a copy of covered tax documents with a written or in person request at 833 22nd Street South, St. Petersburg Florida 33712. Covered tax documents include, in general, DAB Community Services Inc. application for tax-exempt status and its annual returns for a period of three years beginning the first required filing date April 15th 2015. Request made in person, will generally be honored on the day of the request; if it is written, then DAB Community Services Inc. generally has 30 days to respond. (A request that is faxed, e-mailed or sent by private courier is considered a written request.)
DAB Community Services Inc. charges reasonable copying costs (IRS FOIA Fee Schedule copy cost of .20 per page) and the actual cost of postage before providing the copies. Payment may be made in the form of cash, money order or Debit/Credit Card (for an in-person request) and certified check, money order and personal check or credit card, for a written request.