Health Initiatives

The importance of collaboration and partnership with medical professionals can not be overstated. Faith Community Nurse Lottie Cuthbertson-Board of Directors Florida Nurses Association (West Central FL) is at the forefront of DABCS health initiatives. The covid-19 crisis has proved deadly to people of color with chronic health conditions. Now more than ever, we must continue to address conditions that present high risk factors in our communities. According to the CDC although many people experience mild illness, of those sick enough to be hospitalized with COVID-19, 89% had at least one chronic condition and half had high blood pressure and obesity, about a third had diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Our process for the development of health initiatives is to ensure inclusion of subject matter experts who offer guidance in the development and implementation of programs. There experience regarding behaviors and attitudes in underserved and marginalized communities must be measured and considered if we’re to mitigate the risk associated with chronic disease..

DABCS in partnership with Deuces Live facilitate the screening of A Touch of Sugar narrated by Viola Davis at the Royal Theater for pre-diabetic and diabetic individuals, there family members. Individual had access to a free screening as well as the opportuntiy to ask questions.

Our DEEP certified team member